One of the most effective ways to protect lone workers and other employees who work in potentially dangerous environments is a wearable panic button. Wearable panic button devices provide lone workers with a personal alarm system that can be utilized in seconds to call for help. These devices are generally lightweight and easy to use, making them a simple solution to protect workers.
With a wearable panic button, lone workers are never truly alone. Of course, this is only true if the lone worker actually wears the device. This is true not only for panic buttons, but for any lone worker safety solution—whether that means utilizing a check-in/check-out function, following established safety plan protocols or whatever a particular safety solution might call for. You must have employee buy-in for your safety solution to work as intended—especially for a panic button.
Before you purchase wearable safety technology for your lone workers, you should look for reasons why employees wouldn’t wear it.
Here are the biggest three:
It’s Uncomfortable
Panic buttons come in all shapes and sizes, but if your panic button is too big or uncomfortable, there’s a good chance your employees won’t wear them—even if they pretend that they will. No one wants to be bogged down by something that feels awkward and bulky. Look for a wearable panic button that is small, discreet and comfortable. It should mimic something people are already used to wearing, like a pendant, belt loop or key FOB.
It’s Not an Everyday Habit
Whether it’s wearing a panic button or checking in and out of safety software platforms, your employees may fail to comply because it’s not a part of their everyday routine. This is why you need a safety plan. Lone worker safety isn’t a product, it’s a culture. It should be a combination of wearable technology, software and, most importantly, a detailed plan.
Without a plan, a lone worker safety solution isn’t much good—and good safety plan starts with training. In order to ensure that your employees make wearing a panic button and complying with other safety solution actions an everyday part of their lives, you must implement extended training to get them used to it.
Employees Think They Are Being Tracked
Technology has, in many cases, taken over our lives—mostly in a good way. But the lingering fear around surveillance is real. When you ask an employee to wear a connected technology, they make think you are trying to keep track of them. No one wants to feel like they are being watched at all times.
Look for lone worker safety technology that does not track employees—and let them know immediately that they are not being watched. The SolusGuard solution only records employees when they check in or check out, and when they push the button in case of an emergency. The technology only tracks an employee’s location if they miss a scheduled check in—which can be a sign that something has gone wrong.
The Bottom Line
Wearable panic buttons are an efficient and cost-effective option for keeping your employees and your business safe. You must, however, purchase the right technology solution that will fit what your business and your employees’ needs. Too often, companies opt instead to purchase devices in bulk from a less than reputable source, only to find out that you get what you pay for. Wearable safety technology should be part of an overall system—and a rock-solid employee safety plan. Start by assessing your needs, look for potential obstacles, then begin to develop a plan before you start shopping for safety products.
SolusGuard’s technology offers a comprehensive solution to protecting lone workers. The SolusGuard panic button system is discreet, comfortable and set up to alert multiple people when there is an emergency. When paired with a solid employee safety plan, the SolusGuard solution will help keep your employees and your business safe.